Service Management

Hours processing and invoicing

Bill your services based on fixed pricing agreements or what has actually been used. Hour usage is automatically recorded and billed in accordance with specific client agreements. Calculate the ‘service cost’ exactly and allocate costs at multiple levels. Gensys has a unique hours and invoicing system, particularly for service providers.

Hours processing and invoicing

Bill your services based on fixed pricing agreements or what has actually been used. Hour usage is automatically recorded and billed in accordance with specific client agreements. Activities which are not covered by a contract and are thus performed as additional work, and are invoiced in accordance with the contract provisions, after checking.

Cost allocation at multiple levels.

To calculate the ‘service cost’ of an IT component, the Active CMDB knows which contract, service level, skill, tariff and weight are attached to the IT component. Allocating costs to IT and business services is possible, because the relationships are known in the Active CMDB. For instance consider billing costs to a department, or invoicing cloud services.

For the service provider

Enhance the efficiency and quality of financial management through workflows which controls and monitor this process. Gensys also has a unique hours and invoicing system, particularly for service providers. Thus each client can have his own pricing agreements, and invoicing specifications are created per client in the service provider’s house style.

Learn what it means to really be in total control. Read the brochure.

“Our customers also benefit from the Gensys service management solution.”

Tim Doets, Business Development Manager

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